Mash it up...

This weeks lecture and tutorial was focussed on API(Application Programming Interface) and Mashup. The idea behind this is to combine diferent aspects of data together to create something new and different. API's let you piggyback of existing services, allowing you to make something thats probably a whole lot better than if you built it from scratch, while also saving you a shitload of time. Many services such as twitter have bulit in public API's that allow you to expand the way you use the service. It's about combining services to find new ways of doing things, sharing skills and knowledge to achieve a cool and new outcome.

In the tutorial we looked at the pipes program. I was able to create a feed of many different sites I visit, this all appeared in a single page, more simple than going from site to site thats for sure.

I've also been thinking a little about Project A, I'm undecided about which direction I want to take. I can't yet decide whether a reference page or an online exhibition would suit my purpose better.

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